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Custom Handmade Lures

Southern Shiners



  We all agree that Spinnerbaits are one of the most timeless and most famous baits and here at Southern Shiners we believe that more than anyone. We were tired of the mainstream colors and blade combinations. All of the fish had seen most everything on the market and were beginning to slow down their bite because of the regularity that people throw average colors. We got tired of having bad days just because we didn't have anything unique tied on. So we started making spinnerbaits. We made sure to provide the natural looks to all our baits but we add a unique aspect to each and every one of our spinnerbaits that no fish can resist. We also decided to change up the blade combinations because no blade combination applies to all situations. Every component is carefully thought through and placed on the lure before it is shipped to the customer. We invite you to join with us in the quest to create the ultimate lure and make every one of your casts count.

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